Joint pain in dogs (osteoarthritis), is more common than you can imagine. About 25% of the dog population suffers from osteoarthritis. Their joint pain often typically goes undetected and can be debilitating towards their health and well being.

In this article I will show you, firstly, how to easily spot osteoarthritis in your dog and secondly, ideas on how to relieve the joint pain from the osteoarthritis.

How do you know if your dog has arthritis?

There are many possible joint pain symptoms that your dog may show. The key to understanding if the symptoms are connected to joint pain, is to understand your dogs ‘normal’ behavior. Once you understand their normal behavior, you’ll have a relevant base for comparison. Some unusual and abnormal behavior in your dog, can be:

  • Constantly licking a joint area (e.g. hip joint)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Walks less than usual, and may gain weight from less activity
  • Walks with a limp or walks slowly
  • Sleeps more than usual
  • Display signs of irritability and aggressiveness
  • Has an unnatural stance when standing

How can I relieve my dogs joint pain?

Most importantly, if your dog is in severe pain or discomfort, take your pet to your local veterinarian for an immediate diagnosis and pain relief. Your veterinarian may perform various behaviorial response tests and/or xrays, and may prescribe a round of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief. Other prescription based anti inflamarieis can go under the name of: anti- carprofen, meloxicam, deracoxib, and galliprant.

If, on the other hand, your dogs joint pain is not that server, here’s a few joint pain relief tips that you can start at home:

  • Experiment with their diet and help them lose weight, or at least keep them at their ‘healthy weight’. Joint pain may have a direct correlation to your pets weight.
  • Add supplements to their diet, such as: glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin and omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. These supplements act as a lubricant to reduce arthritis pain.
  • Canine Hydrotherapy can rebuild your dogs muscles and reduce joint swelling, and thus reducing their joint pain. A quick Google lookup for ‘Canine Hydrotherapy’ should give you listings for your local Canine Hydrotherapy outlets.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil for pets may help reduce their joint pain. CBD is one of the active ingredients of cannabis. According to the WHO, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.
  • Movement is good for your dog, but keep in mind that your dog (especially if they are seniors) may require an adjusted activity schedule. Adjust for the activity that is manageable for your dog. If your dog can not manage the ‘adjusted’ activity without showing signs of pain, please visit to your local veterinarian.
  • Provide a comfortable dog bed to your pet. Dogs spend an average of 12–14 hours a day sleeping. A dog with achy joints deserves comfort during their dreaming hours.
  • Massage your dog. Massaging your dog helps reduce inflammation (and thus pain). Massaging your dog is also a great way to bond with your dog.
  • Apply Copper Cream to your dog. Healing properties of copper are well know. Copper will help increase blood flow and reduce information.

Wrap Up

Dogs talk a different language from humans, but they have the ability to communicate their feelings of pain to us. Make sure you understand their ‘normal’ behavior so you can spot their joint pain symptoms. Start managing their joint pain with some or all the items listed above, and if your dog does not respond positively, please take them to your veterinarian so they can properly diagnose the joint pain in your dog and provide the necessary relief.

We’re also available to guide you to the correct Copper Cream product in our online store. Just drop us a note at our contact page.